Business Activities

1. Asian Largest Class Analytical and Scientific Instruments Specific Show

JASIS opening

The 1st “Japan Scientific Instruments Show” was held in 1960.
Since then, we have enjoyed a 64-year history. Since 2010, Analytical Instruments Show/Scientific Instruments Show has been cooperatively held with Japan Analytical Instruments Manufacturers ‘Association.
In 2012, the show was renamed “JASIS” and the show is annually held at Makuhari Messe in Chiba.
The show exhibits various scientific instruments, latest analytical instruments and technologies.
JASIS attracts not only many researchers, users, dealers, makers from Japan but also visitors from overseas.
JASIS is the largest show in the scientific instruments industry and offers chances to get latest information, expand the markets and improve the sales of member enterprises.
JASIS has been contributing to Japan’s scientific industry through further evolution and development by holding the online exhibition “JASIS WebExpo®” targeting the user segment since 2017 and “JASIS Kansai” was held again in 2023. Through further improvement and development, JASIS contributes to the expansion of R&D and scientific industries in Japan.

2. Publishing Scientific and Analytical Instruments Overview

“A globally unprecedented large scientific instruments document collection” is published that includes all products handled by scientific instrument industries.
It is distributed free of charge through the JASIS show, obtaining a good reputation from Japanese customers.
SORAN can also be accessed on the website and DVD.
In 2018, the English version website SORAN was established for the purpose of spreading posted companies’ products overseas.
In 2020, SORAN was published in color. SORAN has been improved for both the users and the posted companies.
Web Scientific Instruments Overview:

3. Heritage of Analytical and Scientific Instruments

This Association and General Corporate Juridical Person Japan Analytical Instruments Manufacturer’s Association implemented a heritage recognition project for the purpose of handing down for posterity the precious analytical technology/instruments and scientific instruments that have contributed to the life, economy, education, and culture Japan’s national heritage.
Totally 77 items of heritage were recognized in five years from 2012 to 2016.
In 2017, a book titled “Analytical and Scientific Instruments Heritage that Supported the Development of Science and Industry” was published.

4. Seminar, Training, and Study Tour

  • Scientific instrument learning seminars (Learning basic knowledge on scientific instruments ‘technologies)
  • Business seminars (Learning recent economic trends and industry trends related to social infrastructure)
  • Overseas business seminars (Learning basic knowledge and rules on trading and overseas business)
  • Facility tours and lectures (Visiting latest research facilities and science industry facilities)
  • International exchange (PITTCON Training Tour and ACHEMA Training Tour)
  • Online Seminar “Kagaku no Minemine” (Online seminars by professors who have appeared in the “Scientific Instruments”)

5. Bulletin “Scientific Instruments”

Scientific Instruments, a monthly published bulletin of this association has been published continuously since 1948.
This bulletin has never been suspended.
The topics are about industry trends, talks with researchers, the association’s business reports and contributed articles. In addition, the second half of the magazine features more than 50 pages of advertisements for member companies.
It is distributed monthly to association members, industry related organizations and organizations throughout the country.


Website in English
Company Profiles of Scientific/ Analytical
Instruments of Japan

This site is provided for the purpose of introducing companies that deal with scientific/analytical instruments of Japan. Applicable companies can be searched by the following methods.
Search by Product Classification / Category Search / Free Text Search / Refined Search

Some of the companies published in the “Scientific and Analytical Instruments Directory” are listed.
All the companies are waiting for inquiries from around the world, offering a lineup of distinctive products or products with excellent performance, or having excellent sales ability in Japan. If you are interested, click the link of each listed company and check out their website to make your inquiry.